Class IpogAlgorithm

  • public class IpogAlgorithm
    extends Object
    An implementation of the popular IPOG algorithm. For given configuration it generates a test suite so that for each t-value-combination there is a test input containing it. This means IPOG create a t-way-testing suite. Some improvements from "An Efficient Design and Implementation of the In-Parameter-Order Algorithm" were used.

    The algorithm was extended to offer support for constraints, dynamic parameter orders, and variable strength testing. To introduce parameter orders, the strategy pattern is used with ParameterOrder, and the same is done for variable strength testing via ParameterCombinationFactory.

    • Constructor Detail

      • IpogAlgorithm

        public IpogAlgorithm​(TestModel testModel)
        Creates a new algorithm for the given configuration. After this, the generate() method can be used to generate the test suite satisfying the configuration.
        testModel - test model that should be generated by IPOG. Must not be null
        NullPointerException - if configuration is null
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public List<int[]> generate()