Interface ParameterOrder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ParameterOrder
    Defines the order in which parameters should be covered in IPOG. The order can be relevant for performance and test suite size. Additionally, a correct combination of order and ParameterCombinationFactory can be important.
    • Method Detail

      • getInitialParameters

        int[] getInitialParameters​(TestModel model)
        All combinations which should be used in the first initial step of IPOG. In this step the cartesian product of all returned parameters is calculated. This means that the strength may need to be considered.
        model - the test configuration which includes the strength configuration
        all parameters which should be constructed using the cartesian product. This explicitly means that these parameters are always in oldParameters in a ParameterCombinationFactory
      • getRemainingParameters

        int[] getRemainingParameters​(TestModel model)
        The order of all remaining parameters. The parameter which should be expanded in the first horizontal expansion should be at the first place in the array (index 0).
        model - the test configuration which includes the strength configuration
        all parameters which were not already returned by getInitialParameters(TestModel) in any order