Class EfficientCoverageMap

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EfficientCoverageMap
    extends Object
    implements CoverageMap
    This acts as the coverage map described in section 4.1 of the paper "An Efficient Design and Implementation of the In-Parameter-Order Algorithm". Basically, it stores the tuples of each possible ParameterCombination as a bitmap with a bijective function to map to and from an index in said bitmap.

    This uses the index system described in IpogAlgorithm.

    • Constructor Detail

      • EfficientCoverageMap

        public EfficientCoverageMap​(Collection<it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet> parameterCombinations,
                                    int fixedParameter,
                                    it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntMap parameters,
                                    ConstraintChecker constraintChecker)
        Initializes a new coverage map with the given parameter combinations and the fixed parameter. This means that internally the fixed parameter is added to each parameter combination.
        parameterCombinations - the parameter combinations for which the tuple coverage shall be tracked. Must not be null
        fixedParameter - the parameter added to all parameters. Must not be negative
        parameters - the sizes of all parameter. Must contains the sizes of the parameters in all combinations and the fixed parameter. Must not be null
        constraintChecker - ConstraintChecker to identify irrelevant combinations
        NullPointerException - if parameterCombinations or parameters is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if one of the other constraints described for each method parameter is not met
    • Method Detail

      • mayHaveUncoveredCombinations

        public boolean mayHaveUncoveredCombinations()
        Specified by:
        mayHaveUncoveredCombinations in interface CoverageMap
        whether any combination is not covered
      • markAsCovered

        public void markAsCovered​(int[] combination)
        Marks all sub-combinations which can be mapped to one of the given parameter combinations given in the constructor as covered.
        Specified by:
        markAsCovered in interface CoverageMap
        combination - the combination to mark as covered. Must not be null
        NullPointerException - if combination is null
      • computeGainsOfFixedParameter

        public int[] computeGainsOfFixedParameter​(int[] combination)
        Computes the number of combinations which would be covered if the fixed parameter given in the constructor would be set to a specific value in the given combination.
        Specified by:
        computeGainsOfFixedParameter in interface CoverageMap
        combination - the base combination in which the gains of the values for the fixed parameter shall be computed. Must not be null
        the number of combinations which would additionally be covered if the fixed parameter was set to a certain value. The index in the array corresponds to the value index in the parameter

        the index is -1 if it refers to an invalid combination Please note: only t-wise invalid combinations are identified! The test input must be checked as well for k>t-wise invalid combinations

        NullPointerException - if combination is null
      • getUncoveredCombination

        public Optional<int[]> getUncoveredCombination()
        Finds the next uncovered combination and returns it.
        Specified by:
        getUncoveredCombination in interface CoverageMap
        the next uncovered combination in all parameter combination coverage maps or an empty Optional if no combination is uncovered