Class Report

  • public class Report
    extends Object
    A report any algorithm inside the combinatorial test input generation can use to notify the user of events not covered by life cycle reporting.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Report

        public Report​(Report report)
        Copy constructor.
        report - the report to be copied
      • Report

        public Report​(String resolvableReport,
                      BiFunction<String,​Object[],​String> reportResolver,
                      Object... arguments)
        Creates a new report based on a resolvable string. The given function should be able to resolve the string to something sensible using the supplied arguments. The string cannot be resolved at the beginning, since ArgumentConverters may be used to convert the given argument, changing the meaning of the report.
        resolvableReport - a report which can be resolved with the resolver and arguments. Must not be null
        reportResolver - to resolve the report ot a sensible string. Must not be null
        arguments - all arguments used to enrich the report. May be empty, but not null
    • Method Detail

      • getResolvableReport

        public String getResolvableReport()
        the report as supplied to the constructor (not resolved with any arguments)
      • getResolvedReport

        public String getResolvedReport()
        Once this method has been called, the report will not be resolved again, so any changing arguments after a call to this method are not respected.
        the report resolved using the given resolver and the arguments.
      • convertArguments

        public void convertArguments​(ArgumentConverter argumentConverter)
        Converts all arguments given to the constructor using the given ArgumentConverter.
        argumentConverter - an converter to change any argument into an other representation
      • getArguments

        public Object[] getArguments()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object