Class Coffee4JException

    • Constructor Detail

      • Coffee4JException

        public Coffee4JException​(String message)
        Creates a new Coffee4JException with the supplied message
        message - the message of the exception
      • Coffee4JException

        public Coffee4JException​(String message,
                                 Throwable cause)
        Creates a new Coffee4JException with the supplied message and cause
        message - the message of the exception
        cause - the cause of the exception
      • Coffee4JException

        public Coffee4JException​(Throwable cause,
                                 String format,
                                 Object... args)
        Creates a new Coffee4JException with the supplied format string and objects, and a cause
        format - the string to format
        args - the parameters for the string formatting
        cause - the cause of the exception
        See Also:
        String.format(String, Object...)