Class TupleBasedConstraint

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TupleBasedConstraint
    extends AbstractConstraint
    Represents a constraint for combinatorial testing based on a forbidden tuple.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TupleBasedConstraint

        public TupleBasedConstraint​(String name,
                                    List<String> parameterNames,
                                    Combination tuple)
        name - name to improve readability without further semantics
        parameterNames - the names of all involved parameters. Must not be, or contain null, or be empty
        tuple - the forbidden tuple
      • TupleBasedConstraint

        public TupleBasedConstraint​(String name,
                                    List<String> parameterNames,
                                    ConstraintStatus constraintStatus,
                                    Combination tuple)
        name - name to improve readability without further semantics
        parameterNames - the names of all involved parameters. Must not be, or contain null, or be empty
        constraintStatus - status is either Unknown or Correct which is related to conflict detection
        tuple - the forbidden tuple
    • Method Detail

      • checkIfValid

        public boolean checkIfValid​(Combination combination)
        Description copied from interface: Constraint
        Checks whether the given combination is valid or not.
        combination - combination to be checked.
        true iff the combination is valid.