Interface TestInputGroupGenerator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AdvancedAetgSat, AetgSat, EmptySetGenerator, Ipog, IpogNeg
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface TestInputGroupGenerator
    Interface for all algorithms which can generate combinatorial test inputs. If an algorithm only generates one set of test inputs like, for example, IPOG, the algorithm only has to return a singleton set. The concept of TestInputGroup was introduced to differentiate in negative testing as these test inputs should be viewed separated from other, positive test inputs (in fault characterization).
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        Collection<Supplier<TestInputGroup>> generate​(CompleteTestModel model,
                                                      Reporter reporter)
        Generates a arbitrary number of TestInputGroup instances. Each group should be individual in its FaultCharacterizationConfiguration. This means that test inputs with the same input parameter testModel and constraints checker should also be in the same test group as this makes the process of fault characterization easier. If further parameters than the CompleteTestModel need to be used, provide constructor with which they can be set.
        model - the complete testModel with which the test input groups should be constructed. Must not be null
        reporter - to report information from inside the generation
        a supplier of a test input group. It may be the case that the group is only generated when calling Supplier.get(). This can be used to make the generation in a multithreaded environment without having the generator manage the parallelism.
        NullPointerException - if the testModel is null